Are you looking for expert spider control & removal services? We at Raj Pest Control provides professional spider control services to remove spiders completely from your site or place. We offer green and environment friendly pest solutions for any kind of dangerous spiders. We have earned good reputation in the market of Gurgaon, Noida, Navi Mumabi & Pune for our effective spider removal services.

Spider Control Services

There are 35,000 species of spiders worldwide. Many species of spiders are household pests. All spiders are predators feeding mainly on insects and other small arthopode body divided into two-region viz. cephalothoraxes and abdomen. Four pairs of legs are present. Antenna is absent.

Spiders are predators, paralyzing or killing their prey with venom. They are typically feeded by injecting predigestive fluid into the body of their prey and then suck in the digested liquid food. Spider can survive without food for several weeks to four months.

Most spiders are nocturnal or active at night and will scummy away when disturbed unless they are tending egg sacs of young ones during the day. They usually remain hidden and inactive in cracks, crevices, their webs etc.

Scope of work:

The cleaning of the cobwebs should be done prior to our spraying treatment from your end. Spider control treatment comprises of spraying at the ceiling level and corner of the structure wherein the particles of the pesticides sprayed can fall on the Products/equipment due to which chances of contamination cannot be ruled out.

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